We strive to promote awareness of Irish culture and to give back to our community of Rockford, IL.
Here at the Irish Marching Society, our vision is to continue the American custom of Irish immigrants and their descendants marching down their American city streets on St. Patrick’s Day; to celebrate their heritage and contribution to this great nation.
To organize and promote Irish Culture in the greater Rockford area with a celebration that embraces the entire community.
Remember where you came from. Traditions are beautiful and took hundreds of years to establish. They are honoring to those before us who brought us to this day.
Life is short and a gift given to us all. There are times to work hard. Times to rest and reflect. But never leave out times to celebrate and enjoy the life and people around us.
As we appreciate what came before us and brought us to this day, we use the lessons from the past to envision and bring forth a brighter future.
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